Smart Cities Mission was launched by the Hon’ Prime Minister on 25 June, 2015. The main objective of the Mission is to promote cities that provide core infrastructure, clean and sustainable environment and give a decent quality of life to their citizens through the application of ‘smart solutions’. The Mission aims to drive economic growth and improve quality of life through comprehensive work on social, economic, physical and institutional pillars of the city. The focus is on sustainable and inclusive development by creation of replicable models which act as lighthouses to other aspiring cities. 100 cities have been selected to be developed as Smart Cities through a two-stage competition.
Our Strategy
A systematic process was adopted to help formulate the strategic focus areas and blueprint for the city. This involved inputs to enable a balanced intersection of Policy direction and aspirations, Analysis of Potential areas of improvement, findings from SWOT analysis and views from citizen consultations.
Strategic Blueprints have been developed to guide the public, private and community sectors efforts and investment. While consideration has been given to all potential sectors, the focus has been on those areas where benefit can be maximized based on the assessment of current and future needs. Key strategic focus areas and specific interventions are listed here: